The Real Bobbi Rae
The Real Bobbi Rae
Evoke Emotions Inspire The World


“Music is made to inspire, to touch our souls, to awaken our every inner emotion.”


“My mission as an Artist is to evoke emotions in a world that have left them dormant”

- Bobbi Rae


Music is made to inspire to touch our souls, to awaken our every inner emotions. It captures our imaginations and takes us on a melodic musical adventure that defy time and space.

While many musicians strive to create the kind of music that lives forever within our mind and bodies, only a few can create timeless treasures to touch a chord within our very being.

and Bobbi Rae is such that artist …


BMG Partnership

Bobbi Rae Music LLC


Contemporary Soul/R&B/Jazz

Current Location

New Orleans

Willing to Travel


For all bookings contact